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Lot #26 - Beautiful Antique Oak Serpentine Ornate Curved Front Dresser 37"x 21"x 36"h
lvqueen27 05/11/23 7:03A $11.00 lvqueen27 outbid the previous bid by Atwsammi3431
Atwsammi3431 05/11/23 7:03A $10.00 Proxy bid was placed for Atwsammi3431 in response to a bid by lvqueen27
Atwsammi3431 05/10/23 9:59P $9.00 Atwsammi3431 outbid the previous bid by lvqueen27
lvqueen27 05/10/23 9:59P $8.00 Proxy bid was placed for lvqueen27 in response to a bid by Atwsammi3431
lvqueen27 05/06/23 9:44A $5.00 lvqueen27 placed the starting bid.
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