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Lot #185 - Variety of Beautiful Sterling Silver Necklaces, Pendants, Rings, Earrings and Bracelets
jtcrowley50 05/24/23 8:32P $185.00 jtcrowley50 outbid the previous bid by Chito8141
GLaDOS 05/24/23 8:32P $180.00 Proxy bid was placed for Chito8141 in response to a bid by jtcrowley50
GLaDOS 05/24/23 8:32P $177.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Chito8141 in response to a bid by suzannefortneryahoocom
suzannefortneryahoocom 05/24/23 2:16P $172.00 suzannefortneryahoocom bid was accepted, but was outbid by Chito8141 using proxy bid.
GLaDOS 05/24/23 2:16P $167.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Chito8141 in response to a bid by suzannefortneryahoocom
suzannefortneryahoocom 05/24/23 2:16P $162.00 suzannefortneryahoocom bid was accepted, but was outbid by Chito8141 using proxy bid.
GLaDOS 05/24/23 2:06P $144.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Chito8141 in response to a bid by Kcernich
Kcernich 05/24/23 2:06P $139.00 Kcernich bid was accepted, but was outbid by Chito8141 using proxy bid.
GLaDOS 05/24/23 2:06P $115.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Chito8141 in response to a bid by Kcernich
Kcernich 05/24/23 2:06P $110.00 Kcernich bid was accepted, but was outbid by Chito8141 using proxy bid.
GLaDOS 05/24/23 2:06P $66.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Chito8141 in response to a bid by Kcernich
Kcernich 05/24/23 2:06P $65.00 Kcernich bid was accepted, but was outbid by Chito8141 using proxy bid.
GLaDOS 05/24/23 10:46A $46.00 Chito8141 outbid the previous bid by Kcernich
Kcernich 05/24/23 10:46A $45.00 Proxy bid was placed for Kcernich in response to a bid by Chito8141
Kcernich 05/21/23 4:16P $41.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Kcernich in response to a bid by MarjSeyl
MarjSeyl 05/21/23 4:16P $40.00 MarjSeyl bid was accepted, but was outbid by Kcernich using proxy bid.
Kcernich 05/19/23 3:57P $36.00 Kcernich raised their max bid.
Kcernich 05/19/23 12:28P $36.00 Kcernich outbid the previous bid by Dlcamp3
Dlcamp3 05/19/23 12:28P $35.00 Proxy bid was placed for Dlcamp3 in response to a bid by Kcernich
Dlcamp3 05/19/23 12:14P $31.00 Dlcamp3 outbid the previous bid by Kcernich
Kcernich 05/19/23 12:14P $30.00 Proxy bid was placed for Kcernich in response to a bid by Dlcamp3
Kcernich 05/19/23 12:14P $11.00 Proxy bid was was placed for Kcernich in response to a bid by Dlcamp3
Dlcamp3 05/19/23 12:14P $10.00 Dlcamp3 bid was accepted, but was outbid by Kcernich using proxy bid.
Kcernich 05/19/23 11:39A $6.00 Kcernich outbid the previous bid by carrynfrye
carrynfrye 05/19/23 9:19A $5.00 carrynfrye placed the starting bid.
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