Puget Sound Seller Managed Estate Sale Auction

Antiques and Estate Valuables

House Clearings


Lot # 55 - Large Amber? Beads for Jewelry Making
Lot Number: 55 Ask Seller Question
Item Location: Finding Treasures Thrift & Antique Store of Lynnwood
Preview Date/Time: Preview Available at Finding Treasures Store 19820 40th Ave. W.
Pickup Date/Time: Sun. 12/20 2pm-5pm; Mon. 12/21 11am-5pm; Wed. 12/23 11am-3
Start Date/Time: 12/12/20 9:00 AM
End Date/Time: 12/19/20 7:27:00 PM
Opening Bid: $5.00
Bid History: 5
Current Bid: $9.00
Minimum Bid:
Highbidder: lsun
Auction has ended.


SHIPPING AVAILABILITY - Shipping is available within the continental United States.  We will ship on Monday 12/21 using priority mail flat rate boxes only.  We can't guarantee delivery date due to holidays, but our hope is to get it to you ASAP.  We will invoice you thru paypal for shipping and will send you the tracking #.  To be eligible you MUST:

  1. Let us know you will need shipping if you win.

  2. E-mail Findingtreasuresforacure@gmail.com with YOUR NAME and Confirm ADDRESS 

  3. Please pay your invoice immediately following the conclusion of the auction Saturday. 12/19. 

Please pay attention to the details above.  We can only accommodate shipping for those that do so.  Please reply using e-mail for correspondence and questions.  Thank you

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